Side Effects Of Cannabidiol (CBD) Products

Hemp is now an industrial crop in some countries around the world, which has been regulated to cultivate low tetrahydrocannabinol varieties. Components of hemp plants are used to produce foods as well as liquids for e-cigarettes. Other products like cosmetics, veterinary supplements, and waxes can also be created with cannabis extracts.

CBD, the major drug constituent of hemp, does not alter the psychological state of individuals. It is also under review for its anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, and antispasmodic properties. However, there have been major complaints of THC-like effects (drowsiness and fatigue) from consumers after using CBD products. The major causes of these side effects can be narrowed down to:

· A direct pharmacological effect of CBD

· The breaking down of CBD to THC in the stomach as a result of acid hydrolysis

· The presence of THC in the product as a result of contamination

This write-up addresses these three hypotheses with facts.



Chemically pure CBD does not exhibit THC-like effects, as there is no scientific evidence that proves otherwise. The World Health Organization (WHO) certified CBD as well tolerated, and most food supplements contain relatively lower doses than those used in clinical studies. Additionally, research conducted on rats showed that THC is not significantly present to produce such effects.



Some in-vitro studies claim that CBD is converted to THC in an acidic environment. This means that the THC level in oral consumers of CBD could pass the threshold for medical or pharmacological attention. However, a major loophole in these in-vitro studies is that THC metabolites have not been observed in blood and urine. If the hypothesis is correct, typical THC metabolites would have been detected during oral CBD studies. Learn more about this from

The contradicting results caused researchers to replicate the in-vitro experiment. The result showed that researchers might have misinterpreted the results under certain chromatographic conditions. This is because of the structural similarities between CBD products and THC. Conclusions drawn from the recent experiment supported the claim that CBD will most likely not be converted to THC under in-vivo conditions.



A survey on 28 samples of CBD products showed that none of these products followed the maximum 10-20mg of THC concentration. Therefore, they are regarded as harmful to health.

The rate at which individuals resorb orally ingested THC differs, hence a variation in the psychotropic effects observed. A 5mg oral dose may result in conjunctival irritation and high sensitivity in some people, while 20mg will produce the same effect in others.

Some side effects experienced by consumers are mostly because most CBD oil supplements contain THC in doses up to 30mg. Research results point to the contamination of products by THC as the major cause of side effects in CBD products.


Having looked into the three possible causes of side effects in CBD products, the most probable is the presence of THC as a contaminant. Thus, CBD products should be assessed by regulatory bodies before being allowed into the market for usage.




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