Gorgon Tang is a specialist in customer relationship management or CRM technology, a way to manage all of your customers’ relationships and dealings with clients or prospective clients. Its aim is to streamline the process of dealing with customers and give them a joined up professional service.
The system will help you focus on your relationships which are extremely important to a business; this will not only include your customers but also your suppliers and your colleagues. A CRM system will allow you better ways to store your customers’ personal information in a secure manner. You will have their premises and contact details on them, along with previous sales or stock requested from them if they are a supplier, and everything can be held under one roof under different tabs. This is great if you want to know their address as well as what they have bought from you, there would be no need to log into two separate systems, everything is under one roof.
To take this further this is also good because it means you don’t have to purchase two systems or even more which reduces your costs. Also, it can take time and thus be costly to train your staff on your systems and if you only have small team this will take people away from doing the day to day work which may have an effect on your customers. If your customers’ experience delays that will have a negative impact on your reputation. The only word of mouth you want for your business is relating to a positive and great feedback.
This system means, that at the click of a few buttons, the whole team can see the whole history of each client or supplier or anyone who is contained in your CRM system. It also means that you can use the valuable data that you have stored within the system to come up with sales targets and business objectives. You can even make notes on the system to try and understand who exactly your target audience is and what they want from you. You can ask yourselves questions such as how we can make life simpler for our audience.
Some CRM technology will also plug into the social media activity of your customers. Without a system such as this you would have less time for everything, you would have less opportunity to analyze significant data and come up with some great ways to market your business; which could result in not offering the right support at the right time – while a lack of oversight can also result in a lack of accountability from the team.
So, in a nutshell it might be easier to ask what your CRM system can’t do. It can help you find new customers, help you retain and impress the ones you have by cementing your relationships with them by delivering what they will want from you. This will make your business grow. It will give you valuable data about your target audience and will involve social media which is an essential marketing tool in the 21st century. It will not however make you a cup of coffee but hey you can’t have it all!